Why did Jesus spend three years of His life teaching, preaching and healing? You see, Jesus came to
do more than just suffer and die on the cross. He came to bring and reveal the kingdom of God.
What is the kingdom of God? Put simply, it is the rule and reign of God. That means the kingdom
of God is everywhere, but it manifests itself wherever there is someone who acknowledges and serves Him as King.
To acknowledge God as King is more than saying or thinking He is King. It means that your whole
life is lived in submission and in service to Him and His ways. It means you respect His laws and commands.
It means you offer yourself and your possessions in loyalty to His service.
Jesus came preaching that the kingdom of God had come to Israel and all the world through Him. He
came announcing that people were invited to enter the kingdom and live as God intends for us to live. He came to shed
light on what the kingdom of God really looks like.
Are you ready to become a part of the kingdom of God rather than the kingdom of the world and its lord (Satan)?
It's not easy and it doesn't come naturally; we're taught very effectively to think and act like the kingdom of the world.
Thank God that He sent Jesus to show the way of truly living - living with the great King!
If you're ready to give your allegiance to the true King, let's start learning from the Master what kingdom
living is all about... Click on one of the links below to begin studying about the Master and His truth.