Discipleship Forum

What's the Goal?
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What's the Goal?
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"A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher. "
Luke 6:40

So you're a disciple or are considering becoming one.  There is one very important question to consider: What's the point?  Where is this whole discipleship thing headed? 
Here are a few of the important goals of discipleship to Jesus Christ - goals that have everything to do with your life here and now as well as in the eternal future:
1.  Christlikeness
     We who follow Christ are trying to become like Him.  We want to see things the way He does.  We want to live like He did.  Why else would we be taught by Him and follow Him?
2.  Understanding the Kingdom
     We need to enter the kingdom of God, but we don't know how without learning about the kingdom from the expert.  We come to Jesus because He came to teach us the reality of God's kingdom.  We cannot escape learning about the kingdom of the world.  It's all around us all the time.  It indoctrinates us from the start.  What we need to learn from Jesus is what is true.  You see, the world gives us a big load of falsehood.  Jesus comes offering nothing but pure truth.
3.  Sharing His Work
     From the time Jesus called His first disciples to follow Him, He promised that He would make them "fishers of men".  In other words, they would join Him in His work of seeking and saving the lost.  He trained them and He trains us today to be ready to carry on the work of making disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).  There is more to our training than our own understanding and improvement.  We are moving toward a maturity that will allow us make disciples of others who need to know the truth and become like the Master.
You should be striving for something when you decide to become a disciple of Jesus.  You need to have a goal in mind.  Besides keeping us focused and passionate, goals allow us to measure our progress and growth.  Eyes forward, friends - we're going places.

"A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher." Luke 6:40

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