Discipleship Forum

What is Discipleship?

What is Discipleship?
Why Jesus?
What Does it Take?
What's the Goal?
You and Your Discipler
Kingdom Curriculum
You and the Church
Study the Bible

Everyone is a disciple.  The difference between people is not whether or not they are disciples, but of whom they are disciples.  You see, you are a disciple of whomever teaches you about how to view and how to live life.  You have been molded by one or many people.  Who you are and how you think (thus the way you behave) are very much a result of the people that have taught you. 
Who teaches you?  Family, friends, school teachers, church leaders, entertainers, writers, etc.  You have come to see the world a certain way because of these people's influence.  How else could you grow up from a little baby who knows nothing into the brilliant person you are now?
Unfortunately, the things you learn about life and living from many or most of these sources are just plain wrong.  They don't know what they're talking about.  They are people either making their best guesses or just lying to get what they want.  The result: our ways of thinking are warped and contaminated.
What's the solution to this destructive discipleship?  Quite simply, we must decide to learn from someone who actually knows the truth.  We must decide to become students (in the truest sense of the word) of the expert on life with God and under God.  Jesus is the only person who can reverse the damage because only He can give us the full truth.
Being a student of Jesus requires that we understand a very important difference between Him and all other teachers: He's Lord of the universe.  To learn from Him also involves obeying Him as King.
If you are ready to make the choice to learn from the Master, let's explore together the real truth - the way things really are - according to the One who invented reality itself.

"A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher." Luke 6:40

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