Jesus wants to transform your very way of life. He's not just interested in teaching you a lot of facts about the
Kingdom and leaving it at that. His whole purpose in changing your mindset about life and the world and God is to change
your habits, choices and lifestyle. Knowledge without action is insulting to the King.
Think about it. If you were king or queen and your people were running around breaking all your rules all day long,
would you be fine with it just because they could quote your laws to you? No way! It doesn't help anything if
you know a lot and don't act like it. If anything, it would make you more angry, wouldn't it? If they know the
way your kingdom is supposed to work and then do the opposite anyway, that's worse than if they didn't know at all.
Now here we are, learning from the Master how God's Kingdom works. If we don't make every effort to learn
how to live in the Kingdom, we're better off not learning how it's supposed to be. The more we learn,
the more we are accountable for doing.
So pay close attention to these words of the Master: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter
the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 7:21). Do the
will of the Master; don't just know what it is. Do it.
Now, when we start to do the will of God, we can see the reality of our prayer: "Your kingdom come, Your will
be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). Can we really say we want to see His kingdom come and
will be done here on earth if we aren't even listening to Him ourselves? It starts with us.
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