Precious Rejects
"As you come to him, the living Stone - rejected by men but chosen by God and precious
to him - you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."
1 Peter 2:4,5
Rejection stinks.
You've all been rejects at some point, haven't you? You've been on the outside of something
when you wanted to be on the inside. You didn't fit in to someone else's mold and you were kept out for it.
Rejection stinks. I know that first hand. Yet, in Christ, rejection can be one
of the most beautiful experiences we can share with our Master.
Peter tells us here that Christ was rejected. Peter witnessed Jesus being rejected
by his own people, the Jews. Jesus was rejected by the Romans who crucified him. Jesus was a reject in the
world's eyes.
Of course, we who have embraced the eternal Kingdom of the High King know that this world and
its opinions are prone to be WRONG. There is really only one opinion that truly matters in the end, and HE never rejected
Jesus. No, God chose Jesus and called him precious.
Good news, rejects - you're chosen by God, too! You're precious to God, too! Because
of Christ, you'll be rejected by this world and it's master, Satan. But who cares? The Most High has chosen you
in Christ. The Most High sees you as precious in Christ. We are some precious rejects!
Rejoice in your rejection if it is because of Christ.
Rejoice in your preciousness - it IS because of him.
Amen. May it be so.