"[T]he disciples were called Christians first in Antioch" (Acts 11:26). Are you a Christian?
If your answer is, 'Yes,' then, my friend, you are a disciple of Jesus Christ. Ask the average church-goer, 'What
is a Christian?' and you'll likely hear something like, 'A Christian is someone who believes that Jesus is God's Son, died
on the cross for our sins, and rose again on the third day.' That's a good start, but it isn't complete.
To say that a Christian is a disciple of Jesus Christ may not be the clearest answer, either, because many
people don't even know what being a disciple means. It is an important part of the definition, however, because, as
the above verse tells us, being a Christian is the same as being a disciple of Christ.
This website is dedicated to helping those who desire to experience the fullest reality of being committed
followers of Jesus Christ. What we offer here, though, are only words; the real experience of discipleship comes through
making everyday choices that show submission to the way of Jesus.
Please take some time to explore the Master Teacher's view of life. Come humbly to Him like a child
who needs to learn how to live (Matthew 18:3,4), and He will gladly teach you.
Focus on the words of Jesus, not the commentary. Let the commentary be only an aide in helping
you understand or apply the Master's words. You see, the commentary you'll find here is just another disciple's understanding
humbly offered in the hopes that it will help others disciples (like you) follow and learn. There is truly
only one Teacher; the rest of us are all fellow learners who can but help each other along the way (Matthew 23:8).
Here's to life in the Kingdom together!