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Riddle Me This Archive

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Here you'll find
riddles of a Biblical kind.
Solve the most
and your success I'll post.
A reward I do offer
to the best riddle solver.

To the Newest Riddle!

So here's the game: I ask a question, you answer it.  IF you're the first to get the answer to me, you get a point.  Then, IF you're the one with the most Answer Me points at the end of the month, you get something you'll like.  Try it.  You'll like it.

Much of me saved the eight
from a watery grave;
I housed the engraved laws
         and sat in the Holy of holies;
I, too, received the nails
driven into the flesh
of the Savior.
Who am I?*
Question #2:  Who was the first man to be killed for testifying about Jesus Christ?
My lips touched the lips of the Master
on the night He was betrayed;
Men have called me holy as they've sought me throughout time;
I am legend though I have never lived.
Who am I?*
Question #4:  Jesus said that in order to enter the kingdom of God, everyone must humble themselves and become like what?
The Maker has used me to bring life as well as death;
I have been since the beginning,
never destroyed only changing;
I held the Master in the presence of the Baptist;
I am the grave of every newborn in the kingdom.
Who am I?*
 When I grabbed a tree one rebellious prince lost his life;
when one hero lost me, he lost everything;
one woman used me to honor the feet of a King;
the Master said God knows how much of me you have.
Who am I?*
I can break or complete the darkness of your body;
what I tell you is usually true, but isn't all there is;
my apple is a favored thing indeed;
I amply cover some of heaven's host.
Who am I?*
A prophet abandoned me to save the rest;
I was with the thirteen holy ones
when the elements obeyed;
I was created to save untold numbers
while the ungodly mocked;
Even while broken I carried the
apostle and others in my care.
Who am I?*
One king saw me only in his mind,
while another saw me stand;
All were welcome to behold me, but only
one was welcome to behold all of me;
Originally replaced by one, I'm now replaced
by a nation without boundaries;
A king purged me in anger before he
purged the many in love.
Who am I?*
I am better thrown away for life than kept for the fire;
The shepherd turned deliverer help me up to win a battle;
Of the two, the one most honored is the one most used;
I was often employed by the Master in making the broken whole.
Who am I?*
Though most know of me, none truly understand me;
though many of my kinds are guides, I was one of a special kind;
the few who understood my message traveled far to experience its reality.
Who am I?*
I opposed the Twelve on their way, but when the Master spoke I obeyed;
the cave's prophet did not find God in me, but in a gentle whisper;
I upheld the fluid walls until the hunted nation passed through;
chase me if you will, but the wise man knows it is vanity.
Who am I?*
Those who know me too well have a difficult time knowing God's kingdom;
an invention of man, I am a useful tool for
his greatest foe;
better to forsake all of me for even a taste of wisdom;
the pursuit of me will likely end in shipwreck.
Who am I?*
My friends and I, in unusual force,
endangered the disciples' vessel;
I was both prison and salvation for a rebel missionary;
Some ended their pursuit of me
to pursue those who rule over me;
I became more than I was in the hands of the Master.
Who am I?*
The royal poetry you now read once accompanied me;
I was there to sooth the first, tortured king;
the shepherd-king ensured my place
before the tent of God;
I was with the holy men in chains before 
their Master broke them out.
Who am I?*
I have governed all I see since the fourth day;
Only once have I stood in place and only for the warriors of God;
Of all that goes on under my watch,
nothing is really new;
the true Rabbi's face looked a lot like mine
atop the mountain.
Who am I?*
Though desperately wicked, when held by the Master,
I am transformed;
I am the storehouse for wisdom and
can help you search for the Lord;
stolen or given away, I often belong to another;
to search my depths, look to your mouth.
Who am I?*
A little at a time, I bring joy sublime,
but too much of me will end in misery;
Mixed with another, I was offered to the suffering Savior;
I was shared by the Master at the Cana celebration 
and at His final dinner table;
I am pictured as both the furious wrath as well as
the generous blessing of God.
Who am I?*
I am a warrior and a comforter;
I bring news of joy and despair;
You should help all because
you may help me unawares;
I was tour guide to holy visionaries.
Who am I?*
Born a target, I was the son of a slave and royalty;
A reluctant hero, I argued with the desert plant aglow;
My own face shone with heaven's glory on the mountain;
I was kept from enjoying the great promise because of my temper.
Who am I?*
I was used of old to prepare food and work metals;
a heavenly one took hold of me to cleanse the lips of the prophet;
the glory of the cheribum glows as do I;
showing kindness to enemies is like showering me upon them.
Who am I?
I rested in the hand of the garden's guardian;
I was used to defend the Master though He undid my work;
the first martyred apostle knew me in the end;
even I cannot compare with the effect of the Word of God.
Who am I?*
I held the lifeless body of the Master;
I felled the mighty enemy of a shepherd child;
I will cry out if God's children do not praise him;
the commands of the Almighty scarred me on the mountain.
Who am I?*
He changed my profession;
He changed my name;
He called me blessed before calling me Satan;
I was called a rock though I was broken three times.
Who am I?*
I hold the power of life
though I speak of death;
I am a constant companion
of God's forgiveness;
You can find me in the cup
of the Master's holy company.
Who am I?*
I was there when Adam named
the creatures in the garden;
I was there when the Red waters devastated Pharoah's men;
I am promised to bear the greatest king
when he conquers his foes once and for all.
Who am I?* 
*The question 'Who am I?' is asked in the figurative personified sense for the sake of the riddle.  Please understand that an inanimate object may be the answer, for which reason you might expect to read 'What am I?'.  Thank you.  Carry on.

Here be the Answers...


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